Decorating Your Store for Greater Traffic: Top Tips to Adopt

People love to be seasonal, and with so many great holidays and events throughout the year, you have plenty of opportunities to stand out. This means more than having a few decorations for Christmas and Halloween. By going all out, you can capture not just the attention of people off the street, but you can really make someone’s holiday.

Decorate well, and you can even become a local hero. You can become a store people have to go to during Christmas because it’s become part of their tradition and their Christmas shopping.

Great decoration brings people into your store, so amp up your winning attitude and excellent customer service with these tips:

Choose a Few Holidays to Start With

As the point is to go above and beyond, you’ll want to start with a small set of holidays. The big ticket numbers are:

  1. Halloween
  2. Thanksgiving
  3. Christmas
  4. Valentine’s Day
  5. Easter
  6. Independence Day

Create a Sketch Outline

If you want your store to stand out, then you need to sketch it out. Ideally, you’ll want to do this once a year, so that you can use the same decorations in unique and fun new ways.

The areas to focus on include:

  1. Store Front
  2. Check Outs
  3. Changing Rooms

Buy New Decorations During Mega Sales

The best time to buy new decorations is after the season ends. You can also save big by looking at thrift stores and online marketplaces. This method will allow you to keep your budget low and find some truly beautiful treasures. As a bonus, this method also works for the home, so don’t be afraid to peruse online for a little while to find some great new decorations to really have that wow factor for your shop window display.

Find a Place to Store Your Decorations

Investing in quality decorations can do so much for your business’s livelihood, but storage can take its toll. Putting your decorations in a basement can lead to mold and mildew buildup, as well as infestations if you are particularly unlucky. A good alternative is to simply find a budget-friendly storage area near you. You will want to look for comparison sites, like this Storage Area Tampa option, that allows you to find the perfect unit for your needs and budget.

Make It a Tradition

There are many ways that you can make your store’s decorating efforts to see a big financial payoff. The first is to simply be committed throughout the year, and year-after-year. The second is to build up momentum on your own. Use a hashtag, build up hype on social media, and even find ways to bring in the community.

For example, you can partner with local artists to host workshops in your store that revolve around the theme of the season, like a pumpkin-carving class. By becoming the go-to location for holiday cheer, you can get people in your store consistently, and boost the chances of sales every time they walk in your door.

About the author

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James Oliver

James is a tech-savvy journalist who specializes in consumer electronics. He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and has a knack for dissecting gadgets to their core. Whether it's smartphones, wearables, or smart home devices, James has got it covered. In his free time, he enjoys mountain biking.