Society on the Cusp of Quantum Leap: Unveiling the Quantum Computing Epoch

In the era of rapid technological evolution, quantum computing emerges as the next frontier, with the potential to drastically alter various sectors including privacy, finance, healthcare, entertainment, and technology. Quantum computing is being heralded as a revolutionary force akin to the impact of smartphones in the 2010s, with its ripple effects expected to permeate all facets of society​​. As we stand on the cusp of this transformative phase, multiple initiatives globally are channeling efforts to bridge quantum computing from the realm of experimental to the practical, aiming at societal betterment.

Key Highlights:

  • Launch of the Open Quantum Institute by CERN to channel quantum computing towards UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • IBM’s expansive roadmap to usher in practical quantum computing with modular architectures and networking enhancements.
  • Transition of quantum computers into the “utility” phase, signifying a move from high-tech experimental devices to useful technologies.

quantum computers IBM

In a significant stride, CERN has unveiled a three-year program, the Open Quantum Institute, aimed at making quantum computing resources and technical expertise accessible, particularly for projects aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)​​. This initiative, backed by a coalition of experts, is set to embed quantum technology in addressing pressing societal challenges, epitomized by projects targeting food security, healthcare improvements, and climate action, among others.

With a broader vision, IBM has outlined a comprehensive roadmap to foster large-scale, practical quantum computing. This plan encapsulates the development of new modular architectures and networking enhancements, propelling IBM quantum systems towards housing hundreds of thousands of qubits. Such advancements are vital in achieving the speed and quality requisite for practical quantum computing applications​.

The journey of quantum computing into societal domains is also marked by its transition into a “utility” phase, as noted by an IBM executive in June 2023. This phase signifies the evolution of quantum computers from high-tech experimental apparatus to utilitarian technologies, a sentiment echoed by Australia’s Chief Scientist in September 2023​. The year 2023 is seeing less of hardware announcements but more of consolidation efforts by researchers to enhance interoperability among quantum chips, marking a subtle yet significant progression in the quantum computing landscape​​.

Moreover, the collaborative spirit among academia, private sector, government representatives, and young experts is a testament to the collective endeavor in unlocking the potential of quantum computing for societal betterment. Various incubation programs and pilot projects are underway, embodying a multi-stakeholder approach to explore and accelerate quantum computing applications across different societal sectors.

The convergence of concerted efforts from institutions like CERN and IBM, coupled with the broader scientific and industrial community, is paving the way for the quantum computing epoch. The initiatives underway are not merely about advancing quantum technology but are intertwined with a larger goal of addressing some of humanity’s most pressing challenges through the lens of quantum computing.

About the author

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William Johnson

William J. has a degree in Computer Graphics and is passionate about virtual and augmented reality. He explores the latest in VR and AR technologies, from gaming to industrial applications.