Study says Wine compound Resveratrol slows down Alzheimer’s disease progress

It seems that a study printed recently within the journal Neurology has conferred the simplest way of managing Alzheimer’s unwellness. consistent with the authors of the study, an exact compound found in vino and grape skin includes a robust impact on the biomarker of Alzheimer’s unwellness. The compound is named resveratrol.

The said study was the biggest nationwide clinical trial conducted for analyzing the long-term effects of high-dose resveratrol on people suffering from mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease. The trial allowed researchers to know that a biomarker that keeps on declining as the condition progresses got stabilized in patients taking resveratrol in purified form. Resveratrol is basically a naturally occurring compound present in foods such as raspberries, red grapes, some varieties of red wine and dark chocolate.

R Scott Turner, the principal investigator, stated that the results put forward by the study are extremely interesting and warned that right now these findings cannot be used for recommending resveratrol. This is because the fact that resveratrol might benefit people with Alzheimer’s is supported by only a single study and further research is needed for interpreting those findings properly.

During the study, individuals treated with increased doses of resveratrol for a period of 12 months experienced little to no change in the levels of Abeta40 or amyloid-berta40 in their blood and the amount of their cerebrospinal fluid. Patients who were kept on placebo, on the other hand, experienced a significant decrease in their blood Abeta40 levels during the 12 month period.

Here, it must be mentioned that a person experiences decrease in the levels of Abeta40 in his or her blood when dementia aggravates and Alzheimer’s progress.

Turner informed that in spite of such prominent findings, researchers carrying out the study cannot conclude that the compound resveratrol is beneficial for patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. He continued by saying that after seeing the results of the trial he feels that resveratrol could permeate the blood-brain barrier, which is surely an observation of immense importance.

Another fact put forward by this new study is that resveratrol is both well tolerated and safe. However, some patients reported gastrointestinal-related side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, etc. Last, but not least patients treated with resveratrol lost weight, while the participants who received placebo gained weight.

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James Oliver

James is a tech-savvy journalist who specializes in consumer electronics. He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and has a knack for dissecting gadgets to their core. Whether it's smartphones, wearables, or smart home devices, James has got it covered. In his free time, he enjoys mountain biking.