BA Journalism and Mass Communication to fast track your career

BA Journalism and Mass Communication is a three-year undergraduate degree that can help you in making a strong career in the field of journalism and mass communication. The course focuses on honing students with skills required for different media organisations using a variety of mass communication apparatus and catering to various audience requirements. Students also get to build their skills in gathering, transmitting and delivering information effectively. This highly popular course helps one in strengthening the foundation for a number of job roles in publishing houses, news channel, newspapers, television and more.

Some essential learning that this course will give:

  1. Provide students with fundamentals of communication and build on their written and spoken communication skills which are essential for all media platforms.
  2. Give students functional knowledge of the principles vital to this field and acquaint them with emerging trends of the industry.
  3. Inculcate skills like critical thinking and analytical approach along with bringing an appreciation for creativity.
  4. Students will learn to conceptualise, strategize and create good quality content for a variety of media platforms including digital ones like social media.
  5. The course also imbibes the ability to produce work that falls within a socially responsible framework as it teaches all the media ethics and law.

Some prominent roles with BA Journalism and Mass Communication are:

Journalist – The role of a journalist is to collect information on recent happenings in the field of crime, politics or any breaking news; then analyse it and present it to the public. A journalist can also write coverage, follow-up on leads, edit broadcasts and also conduct the interview of resources. The job has a strong moral obligation as one is required to give the masses relevant inputs as a basis to form an opinion.

Editor – An editor analyses content to pick any error in terms of spelling, punctuation, and grammar. They also verify facts and re-write copies to make them more reader-friendly and are also required to evaluate all the submission, picking the best material for publication. An editor also guides other writers and develops useful strategies and ideas for digital media and publications.

Radio Jockey – A radio jockey or an RJ plays music on the radio, engages listeners with interesting talks and local updates and often holds discussion or conducts an interview on air. The major role of an RJ is to prepare a daily program schedule, come up with exciting ideas for content and select songs that cater to the taste of the audience. Providing weather and traffic updates is also part of their daily responsibility.

An undergraduate degree in BA Journalism and Mass Communication gives students theoretical knowledge, practical training and other expertise that can help them make a great career ahead. This field is perfect for someone who is creative, communicative and has a flair to think out of the box.

About the author

James Oliver

James is a tech-savvy journalist who specializes in consumer electronics. He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and has a knack for dissecting gadgets to their core. Whether it's smartphones, wearables, or smart home devices, James has got it covered. In his free time, he enjoys mountain biking.