Edge Computing to Enable New Business Models in the Next Three Years

Edge computing is a distributed computing paradigm that brings computation and data storage closer to the sources of data, such as IoT devices, sensors, and actuators. This has a number of advantages, including reduced latency, improved security, and lower bandwidth costs.

As edge computing technology continues to mature and become more widely adopted, it is poised to enable new business models and disrupt existing ones. Here are a few examples of how edge computing could be used to create new revenue streams and value propositions in the next three years:

  • Real-time analytics and decision-making: Edge computing can be used to process and analyze data in real time, enabling businesses to make faster and more informed decisions. For example, a retailer could use edge computing to analyze customer behavior data in real time to optimize pricing and promotions.
  • Predictive maintenance: Edge computing can be used to collect and analyze data from IoT devices to predict when maintenance is needed, preventing costly downtime. For example, a manufacturer could use edge computing to monitor the condition of its machinery and predict when parts need to be replaced.
  • New product and service offerings: Edge computing can enable new product and service offerings that were not possible before. For example, a company could offer a service that provides real-time insights into traffic conditions to help drivers avoid congestion.

Here are some specific examples of how businesses are already using edge computing to create new business models:

  • Telecom companies: Telecom companies are using edge computing to power new services such as 5G and IoT. For example, Verizon is using edge computing to power its 5G network, which provides faster and more reliable connectivity for businesses and consumers.
  • Retailers: Retailers are using edge computing to improve the customer experience and reduce costs. For example, Walmart is using edge computing to power its Just Walk Out checkout system, which allows customers to shop without needing to wait in line.
  • Manufacturing: Manufacturers are using edge computing to improve operational efficiency and quality control. For example, General Electric is using edge computing to monitor the condition of its jet engines and predict when maintenance is needed.

The future of edge computing is bright

Edge computing is still a relatively new technology, but it is rapidly gaining traction. As the technology continues to mature and become more widely adopted, we can expect to see even more innovative and disruptive business models emerge.

Here are some key trends that will drive the growth of edge computing in the next three years:

  • The rise of IoT: The number of IoT devices is expected to grow exponentially in the next few years, creating a massive amount of data that needs to be processed and analyzed in real time. Edge computing is the ideal solution for this challenge.
  • The increasing demand for bandwidth-intensive applications: Applications such as augmented reality, virtual reality, and self-driving cars are all bandwidth-intensive. Edge computing can help to reduce bandwidth requirements and improve performance for these applications.
  • The growing focus on security: Edge computing can help to improve security by processing data closer to the source and reducing the need to transmit data over the public internet.


Edge computing is a powerful new technology with the potential to transform the way businesses operate. By enabling real-time analytics, predictive maintenance, and new product and service offerings, edge computing can help businesses to create new revenue streams and disrupt existing ones.

Important pointers for businesses:

  • Start thinking about how edge computing can be used to improve your business operations.
  • Invest in edge computing infrastructure and solutions.
  • Partner with other businesses and organizations that are using edge computing.
  • Develop new product and service offerings that leverage edge computing.

Edge computing is a rapidly evolving technology, so it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments. By doing so, businesses can position themselves to take advantage of the many benefits that edge computing has to offer.