GitHub sent reeling by DDoS attack

GitHub has been hit by a massi犀利士
ve cyber attack that has sent a massive amount of traffic their way, which many security experts believe is due to China’s influence. The attack, which is known as a DDoS attack, and something that has found the mainstream news in the tech world as of late – was started Sunday and continued into the evening. GitHub is a United States coding website which is based in San Francisco, and used globally by a number of major tech firms.

A distributed denial-of-service attack is something that has only become mainstream knowledge in recent months, amid several different attacks on companies like Microsoft and Sony, who were notably hit by this type of attack on Christmas Day. The attack ultimately funnels a large amount of traffic in the direction of the website, which is then inundated and overwhelmed by said traffic.


Interestingly, the reason why many believe China was behind the DDoS attack was due to the fact that the two main projects on the platform that were impacted were both related to measures that China takes to censor the Internet. However, and almost equally interesting, was that China’s Cyberspace Administration had nothing to say about the attack, and didn’t even deny the attack. The silence, to many, is a sign of guilt.

However, in the larger picture this is a matter of cyber security in the United States. It continues to be challenged by government entities and hacking groups alike. GitHub hasn’t gone out and blamed anyone yet, either. The company said in a statement that, “based on reports we’ve received, we believe the intent of this attack is to convince us to remove a specific class of content.”

It’s worth noting that GitHub appears to have, even if China is behind the attack, no intention of actually removing the content that is on its platform. Rather, it will likely only solidify GitHub’s forces and defense mechanisms, making this type of attack unlikely again in the future. It was just late in 2014 when China made the news for blocking Instagram, as well as Google’s Gmail service – two things that have continued to push buttons for the Chinese government which continues to regulate tightly how the country operates and interacts with technology.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.