How to Make Texting With Androids Better in iOS 18

How to Make Texting With Androids Better in iOS 18
Discover how iOS 18 enhances texting with Androids through RCS support, new emoji tapbacks, scheduled messages, text formatting, Genmoji, and more. Upgrade your messaging experience today.

With the release of iOS 18, Apple is set to improve how iPhone users communicate with Android devices, courtesy of several new features in the Messages app. This update is poised to make cross-platform messaging more seamless and engaging.

Key Updates in iOS 18’s Messages App

  1. Rich Communication Services (RCS) Support: Apple has introduced support for RCS, a modern messaging standard that offers a richer texting experience than traditional SMS and MMS. RCS allows for higher quality media sharing, better group chats, and read receipts, making interactions with Android users more reliable and enjoyable​​.
  2. Emoji Tapbacks and New Designs: The introduction of a wider variety of emoji tapbacks and redesigned classic reactions, such as thumbs up and heart, add a fresh layer of expressiveness to messages. Users can now use any emoji as a reaction, providing more ways to communicate feelings and responses​.
  3. Scheduled Messages: iOS 18 allows users to schedule messages to be sent at a later time. This feature is perfect for planning messages in advance, ensuring you never forget to send a birthday wish or an important reminder at the right moment​​.
  4. Text Formatting and Special Effects: For the first time, the Messages app will support text formatting options like bold, italics, underline, and strikethrough. Additional special effects such as big, small, shake, nod, explode, ripple, bloom, and jitter are also introduced, offering creative ways to personalize messages​.
  5. Genmoji and Image Playground: Alongside textual enhancements, iOS 18 introduces Genmoji, AI-generated emojis that add a unique touch to messaging. The Image Playground feature allows users to create custom AI-generated images, enhancing the visual and interactive aspects of messages​.
  6. Messages via Satellite: Another significant addition is the ability to send messages via satellite, ensuring connectivity even when traditional network coverage is unavailable. This feature enhances the reliability of the Messages app, particularly in remote areas or during travel​.