iPad Air 2’s battery is smaller, but lasts 10 hours of use

Apple Inc. is claiming that its flagship tablet iPad Air 2 offers the same battery life as its predecessor iPad Air. The iPad Air, which was launched in 2013, had a battery that allowed 10 hours of use.

While Apple is making such claims, a device repair website through a tear down of a Wi-Fi-only model of the iPad Air 2 has shown that the device carries a 15% smaller battery compared to the original iPad Air. This information should not surprise many as the Air 2 is 18% thinner than the Air.


The question that must be bothering you now is that how in spite of carrying a 15% smaller battery the Air 2 will manage to offer the same battery life as its predecessor. Apple, when asked, said that it has used a new chip called the A8X in the iPad Air 2; this chip along with other improvements done to the Air 2’s software allows the battery to last for 10 hours.

In the device’s marketing materials, Apple has said that usually increase in performance means lower battery life and then reminded that it has used the term “usually”. By reminding this, the tech giant wanted to let users know that high performance doesn’t always mean low battery life and the iPad Air 2 scores impressively in both departments.

The iPad, since the day of its launch, has been praised both for its amazing hardware specifications and longevity. It has got the #1 rank almost in every battery life test. That’s not all; in spite of having such a powerful battery, Apple has kept on improving its battery features once in every one or two years. So, it was hard to believe that the iPad Air 2 will have a battery with smaller battery life than its previous model.


According to Apple, it has reduced the size of Air 2’s battery just to make the device lighter and thinner. The Cupertino, California-based company said that it’s true it has not made any substantial improvement to the new device’s battery, but has ensured that it lasts as long as its predecessor’s battery lasts.


The iPad Air 2 was unveiled on October 16 at a launch event organized at Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino. It was not the only tablet to be unveiled at the event. Apple also introduced the next model of its “Mini” series, the iPad Mini 3.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.