Microsoft gives unlimited OneDrive storage to all Office 365 subscribers

Microsoft announced today that they would be eliminating per-user limitations on how much data-storage would be permitted. “Moving forward, all Office 365 customers will get unlimited OneDrive storage at no additional cost,” said Chris Jones, of Microsoft.

He also happens to be the individual who is solely responsible for the success, and consequently failure of OneDrive and SharePoint, so this is a move that is somewhat expected, as the company attempts to draw in new customers and give Office 365 and OneDrive some additional life.


Office 365 is Microsoft’s rental service that provides the traditional features of Microsoft’s best office suite, without paying for the big ticket software item by traditional means. Subscribers can pay as little as $6.99 a month, for students and businesses, and $9.99 a month for the rest of the participating world.

This announcement though comes just 3 months following the company’s decision to raise all Office 365 OneDrives to a terabyte each. It wasn’t just Office 365 subscribers that received a boost in storage though, as reports indicated. Right as the company was doing that, they were simultaneously boosting the allowance for those users who did not use Office 365, and even cutting prices for more storage by as much as 52%.

Many analysts are saying that the word “unlimited” is more of a marketing tool than it is a physical improvement to the situation. A few months back, Google similarly moved to making its Google Drive allowance unlimited for workers at companies and those that pay $10 a month for Google Apps for Business.

However, Microsoft doesn’t have any plans to include enterprise users until next year though, the company has suggested. In the meantime, focusing on the consumers, and students – who more commonly use the services offered.

Another thing worth noting is Microsoft’s bigger scheme, it would seem. Right now, it appears as though Microsoft is hopeful, or tempting customers to convert to the month-to-month service, which would obviously be more profitable for the company – and allow them to unload a large portion of their physical office software business. This is one method of drawing customers in, and luring them away from other options as the ability to “store everything” has ups and downs.

The logic is that a customer who spends the money, and physical time using the service and backing everything up is less likely to be a customer that will leave at a whim. Clearly, Microsoft is thinking bigger picture now, and trying to get ahead of the proverbial curve that stands in front of them right now.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.