The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration has published new research in the journal Science, which suggests that the slowdown of global warming over the course of the last decade-and-a-half was likely not as severe, or simply didn’t exist. The change in outlook didn’t actually come from any massive addition, or finding. Instead, the new data simply suggested that the slowdown was challenged on the basis of finding more completed temperature analysis. However, with the massive amount of research that had suggested a slowdown in global warming over the course of the last two decades, this wasn’t something that was simply going to be dismissed without a heavy-handed report that really supported what NOAA believed to be accurate at this point.
Nathan Bindoff, an Australian lead author on the study pointed out that, “We now have the three key indicators of global change being consistent for the last 50 years, and for the period since the early 2000s otherwise known as the hiatus period.” This is significant, given that scientists have been looking for a more complete data table for some time now.
Gavin A. Schmidt, of NASA’s climate research unit agreed and pointed out that he has experienced similar connections to this point. “What you have is a reasonable effort to deal with known biases, and obviously there is some uncertainty in how you do that.”
Meanwhile, Gerald A. Meehl, of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado, pointed out that, “These trends are very sensitive to the time periods you use to compute them.” However, Meehl was always one that felt the entire notion that global warming would be slowing down – was only something that was created in an effort to dismiss global warming. At the end of the day, Meehl, like many scientists believe that the issues are political and the questions about global warming need answers now.
Old research that was being used previously suggested that the rate at which the globe was warming over the last 15 years was about two-thirds less than what it was in the fifty year window before that. However, the new research suggests that the swift change is something that wasn’t happening. The new research suggests very clearly that the numbers were the same for both periods. The scientists called them nearly identical and went on to point out that the importance of this data collection isn’t to challenge or prove certain people wrong, but to give people a better understanding of what they’re dealing with. This isn’t something that’s going to be corrected by simply ignoring what is happening around us, and this is the message that NOAA wants to make clear right now.