There were a lot of people during the summer of 2014 that felt the heat on a lot of levels. And finally, NOAA has spoken.
It was in fact, the hottest summer on record in more than 100 years, scientists have concluded.
From June through August – NOAA reported that the global temperature was 62.78 degrees Fahrenheit. That closed at 1.28 degrees higher than the 20th century average – according to their report.
Records have been kept since 1880, and this summer has statistically gone down as the hottest on record, on the global stage.
However, like an asterisk on the record – NOAA did indicate that the oceans actually contributed to the global temperature – more than the land did, which plays a big role in determining how extreme the summer really was.
While our land temperature was just under one-degree warmer than 20th century average – the oceans on the other hand were 1.13 degrees warmer than averages from the same period.
If you lived on the East Coast of the United States though, you might be wondering where all of this heat was – as it was a significantly cooler year than usual in those parts of the country. And really, even NOAA acknowledged that a large part of the United States did, in fact, have a cooler-than-average summer – and it actually ended up the coolest in the lower 48 since 2009.
However, climate instability is clearly still an issue – as the globe saw no trends on precipitation – with the added warmth. There were anomalies throughout the entire globe when it came to precipitation.
California saw a major drought, but then the rest of the United States saw one of the wettest summers on record. For the United States as a whole, it actually ended up being the 9th wettest on record, even with California’s drought to end all droughts.
These statistics come up from NOAA just in time for the Climate Change summit on Tuesday – in New York City, where this and many other climate related issues will surely be debated and discussed.