Robot snake can traverse slippery mounds like rattlesnakes (+video)

The robot snake that has previously had issues traversing inclines, and particularly slippery inclines may have finally been given the proper fix. Thanks to recent breakthroughs in the science community regarding a snake-like robot that slithers in the same way a sidewinder does at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Once the scientists figured out how the snake maneuvered throughout its environment it became easy to negotiate how the snake should act as well. However, the incline, and particularly the slippery incline were two areas that challenged the scientists and the robot.

The general idea behind the research and the inception of the robot was to gain access to places that otherwise were off-limits to humans, or human reach thanks to spatial limitations that are more obvious. In areas that are considered disaster zones where it wouldn’t be safe to put a person, the robot works magically. The robot would also work wonders in natural disasters as well, and even could give us a better insight into the nature if the device were built properly.

The point is that humans and wheeled-vehicles have obvious limitations. Either the wheels can become stuck, or the object simply becomes too large to get into a small place. This though, significantly revolutionizes the entire system.

It puts humans back in the middle of the conversation and the race to make the next level discoveries that have been missing in our world. It also provides us an easy opportunity to start doing better in places where earthquakes have occurred, or serious natural disasters threaten human life. The most obvious area is during a building collapse. Many scientists have talked about the value of an object that could quickly get under debris and navigate the quickest path to human life, and even determine what objects lie between them and relief.

This is something that can tip the scales in a serious way in favor of humans as time and more effort is put into researching and developing this technology more. Plus, this will be technology that can be used and implemented in other ways as well, many of which that haven’t even been thought of yet by conventional science.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.