T-Mobile teases Samsung Galaxy S6 with curved display

T-Mobile has officially teased #TheNextGalaxy by introducing some new imagery to their new launch page for the incoming Samsung Galaxy S6 smartphone. While other smartphone carriers in the United states have begun drumming up excitement around the next Galaxy device, it’s been something that has largely been controlled by leaks and rumors on the Internet. Now though, with the official launch less than a week away – Samsung and carriers are finally getting into a groove where more information is getting played out to the public. Whether we’re talking about coded tweets, or bits of information that might lead to some hints as to what Samsung is doing with their next Galaxy device. However, Samsung needs this launch to be a successful one in order to really drive the numbers in their favor. Right now, the company is coming off a year when it performed very poorly and the Galaxy S5 was a relative failure.

Samsung Galaxy S6 T-Mobile

T-Mobile’s new site has a photo which reads “Six Appeal” and fits right in with the kind of marketing that Samsung has been putting forward with the Galaxy S6 so far. It was just earlier this month that Samsung officially released the invitations to the unpacked event, which will release and show off the Galaxy S6 for the first time at Mobile World Congress on March 1st. Right now the expectation is that Samsung will be releasing two versions of the Galaxy S6 – as they will also include an “Edge” variant to give consumers options in terms of what they want out of their handset.

The device though will be featuring more than just a fast processor, and Android 5.0 Lollipop. Another added bonus for this device is that it finally will include the curved screen that has been talked about so much to this point. There have even been suggestions that Samsung will be including a fingerprint sensor that will function in the same way as the Apple sensor does that allows users to unlock their device, and make mobile payments through a secure method. A Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 processor, high-quality and higher-resolution display, more luxurious build with the metal framework, as well as some highly-impressive functions within the device should make the Samsung Galaxy S6 one of the biggest launches of the year.

However, it hasn’t just been a good month for Samsung. T-Mobile is also celebrating after passing Sprint as the #3 carrier in the United States last week. This was something that was largely viewed as a long-time coming, as Sprint continues to fall in popularity, and continues to lose ground in the market. Meanwhile, T-Mobile continues to build their brand and build their presence across the country. Of course, we’re not going to see T-Mobile overtake AT&T or Verizon anytime soon, but a more-stable third place carrier is definitely a good sign for the mobile telecommunications industry.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.

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  • Numbers wise, the Samsung is a clear winner, famous for their spectacular
    smartphone displays and fantastic contrast ratios,
    perfect for use in darkened rooms. The Samsung Edge Plus phone has a great camera,
    though, comparing favorably to the i – Phones’ cameras.
    It was supposed to be delivered to consumers on Friday, but Best Buy made a mistake in getting the
    units released on time.