Crystal clear water of the Lake Michigan has ended up revealing several haunting hulls of ships that couldn’t withstand the perils of the lake and became...
Tag - Ocean
Recently a sperm whale in the Gulf of Mexico has encountered a research vessel near Louisiana. The entire event has been captured and published in form of an...
During a recently conducted study, researchers have come to know that the movement of octopuses is simple and elegant, but not rhythmic. Guy Levy, the lead...
Polar bears have been at the center of the climate change debate over the course of the last several years. They have been one of the biggest victims...
Researchers at UC Davis believe the serious damage is being done to Earth, and it’s marine life thanks to climate change. The human impact that is being had on...
During a study conducted in Morocco, paleontologists have discovered a fossil of a bizarre arthropod that grew up to a length of 7 ft. According to the...
Female killer whales are said to use menopause as an opportunity to begin passing down information that will help their families survive, according to new...
If you looked at a sea slug, like the Elysia chloroctica very few people would even realize they’re looking at a sea slug. Instead, most people would think...
A rare find led to one of the most frightening discoveries on the Internet in recent memory. The science community welcomed the first live fossil being...
Scientists have found evidence that marine mammals like seals and dolphins may suffer from arrhythmias, a condition of having of irregular heartbeats...