The conversation about whether there could be life, as we know it, on other planets in our galaxy, is something that has made many people wonder. While the...
Tag - space
A new satellite being launched into space will hopefully be able to identify better why the drought in the American West continues to rage onward as it has...
A recent study suggests that combining tidal forces and vigorous stellar activity provides enough potential to convert uninhabitable “Mini...
You can call it “mouth of the beast”. On contrary to that, it is also equally famous as“God’s hand”. And this time a large telescope could successfully capture...
A huge asteroid will fly past Earth on January 26, the event is being regarded as the closest pass of such giant body till 2027. It will come nearest to the...
A new study by the researchers from Yale University has revealed some intriguing details about the appearances of quasar. Quasars are described as active...
On a successful mission, Spacecraft Dawn from NASA has transmitted new images of the dwarf planet Ceres. The images that were sent across on January 13 by Dawn...
In another successful mission, a spacecraft from NASA has captured its 100 millionth image of the sun. Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) uses three main...
General understanding about supernovae may change to a great extent following an astonishing finding by a group of researchers who study the ocean floor...
Until now, sending spacecrafts to Mars requires huge investments, soaring up to as high as hundreds of millions. However, with the new method, known as the...