U.S. home sales are rising. In fact, June was one of the best months in the last decade for the housing market as a whole, in terms of home sales. However, the news hasn’t been all good for the economy, and here in the United States there are still many markets struggling to catch up. Recently, a lot has been documented of the discrepancy that exists within the housing market throughout the entire U.S. That is to say, even as some markets thrive – and the median house sale continues to climb – other markets, some major ones at that – continues to struggle to their very core.
This is to say that home sales rising in the U.S. is a great sign, but definitely not a clean bill of health. There are still significant problems when it comes to getting individuals financed, and getting people back on the road to the economic and financial freedom that they experienced 10 years ago – before the recession hit. Also, it’s worth noting that the U.S. housing market is ultimately what played such a vital role in crashing the economy as a whole here in the U.S. back in the late part of the last decade.
These are the things that people have to keep in mind as they absorb the information that is being dealt by the federal government. We shouldn’t be surprised, either. We aren’t saying that there is a conspiracy with the administration to bring down the market – or falsely create a measure of security within our housing market. Rather, it’s a reflection of the delicate times we live in. There isn’t any simple housing pill to give our economy to bring it back to perfection. Perfection is something that is chased, not simply administered. It will take time, but we will get back to where we were so many years ago.
The thing people need to keep in mind now is that there is a serious fight taking place in both rural and urban areas to reform what has broken the local economies. People are still looking for work, and despite unemployment figures that reflect positivity – people aren’t employed at the level they were, or at the pay grade they were. Even then, people simply don’t have the confidence in the market because it hasn’t been positive for long enough, to actually warrant taking on a mortgage, or major loan.
In all, this is to say that the U.S. home sales figures are very promising. They reflect a positive change that is obviously coming. But, that isn’t to say that massive, wide-sweeping change is here, or that everyone will be running out to purchase a home tomorrow. This is a very small portion of the overall plan, which could take another decade to execute to completion.