4 ways that good web content helps grow your business

It seems like whenever you talk to anyone about increasing your business’s online presence, the topic of your content will come up. Most people agree that having high-quality web content is critical, and that makes sense, you will look a great deal more professional if the content of your website is good quality. However, writing exciting and engaging content is time-consuming. If writing isn’t something that you’re passionate about, then it can seem like a chore, especially when you aren’t exactly clear on why it’s so crucial in the first place.

Builds authority

Having relevant and high-quality content will improve your domain authority. Domain authority is a kind of score that search engines give your website based on the overall authority it displays in your field. This authority score feeds into search engine rankings, so loosely speaking, the higher your domain authority, the higher up the search rankings you will get. It’s important to know exactly what your business does and to focus on that in your website content. If you cover too broad a range of topics, then the search engine won’t be clear exactly what your focus is, and therefore you will lose authority. It’s also essential that your content is easy to read and grammatically correct, as these factors will feed into your score, too.

Gets your site to the right people

If your content contains the keywords that your potential customers are searching for, then that page is more likely to get higher up in the search engine rankings. The decision of what search engine ranking your web page is given is based on a combination of your domain authority and the keywords that you use. When choosing your keywords, it is essential to research thoroughly as you will rank more highly if your page is using the exact phrasing that is being searched for.

It can be a big project to research and choose keywords and then write quality and engaging content to go with them. It’s essential to be aware of this if you are embarking on a digital strategy and make sure you have allowed enough time and resources, it’s not a project that you will be able to undertake in your spare time. Many businesses choose to work with a digital marketing agency like Click Intelligence who are experts in keyword research and writing good quality and engaging content so that they can dedicate their time to other things, and let experts worry about digital marketing.


If your website is frequently publishing content that your readers find engaging and that they want to read, then this will not only keep them coming back to your page, but it will make it more likely that they will subscribe to your page. A great example of this is TED, who started life as an invitation-only conference. Still, through their commitment to providing interesting content from fascinating people, they have built a considerable following who will watch any video they publish. Subscribed customers are people who have bought into your message enough that they are more likely to take you up on new offers and products, so they are valuable.

Builds relationships

You can tell your customers a lot about your business through the content that you publish on your web page. For example, if you choose to write a blog post about being a sustainable business, then through this, you are showing your customers your values. Adding some personal touches to your page, particularly in the ‘about me’ section, can also serve to create another level of relationship with your customers, which will increase their loyalty to you and your brand. The idea of creating a narrative about your business is known as brand storytelling, and it’s incredibly effective because humans are drawn to stories and people in a way that we are not with products and services.

About the author

Meenakshi Rawat

Meenakshi is a software developer with a passion for mobile technology. She holds a degree in Computer Applications and loves to review the latest smartphones and mobile apps. In her free time, Meenakshi enjoys photography and traveling.
She is the responsible person for our editorial lineup. You can reach Meenakshi at [email protected].