Amazon just launched Kindle scout

Amazon just launched a new publishing program that could seriously change the way users both read, and see books produced. The site launched today, and access to the site will give users a unique spot in the process. Users will have the opportunity to review unpublished submissions and nominate the ones that they feel strongest about. Meaning, the reader gets to decide what books make it to the store.

It’s a revolutionary idea that could significantly change the way books are produced currently. Right now Amazon will publish books that are successfully nominated under the Kindle Press publisher, and even give authors a hefty bonus. The authors will get a $1,500 advance, a 50% eBook royalty, and featured marketing on, as well as the Kindle Store.


This is potentially the best opportunity new authors will have had in years to actually break through the proverbial glass ceiling. In fact, if this program can catch, Scout should create a significantly different outlook for writers and potential authors.

It will also make readers have a more complete experience when it comes to the Kindle Store, and the books that appear on the site. In fact, many customers complain consistently about the number of new books that aren’t in the Kindle Store.

Basically, this program puts the authority in the hands of the reader and author to begin cultivating a more complete content experience with Kindle, and it could be just what the doctor ordered for Kindle as a whole. However, some authors that have published with Amazon have complained about a lack of support – which would definitely derail any hope of a successful turnout of this program – should Amazon allow it to get to that point.

Right now, this appears to be the best thing that has happened for the publishing world though, especially in a space where getting published is becoming more, and more difficult. Overall, it will be hard to judge the success of this, since it will obviously take time to fully-launch, but now that the program is live – it will definitely serve as a start to begin watching the process, and how smoothly the nomination process takes place.

It has appeared for some time that Google was going to be taking steps to getting into the publishing space, but many were unclear on how they would go about it. This though provides a very clear – and honestly simplistic game plan for how the company and its users will move forward.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.