Amazon makes buying easier with “Dash Buttons”

Amazon wants to make sure that its shoppers never run out of anything around the house. That’s why the company has introduced Dash Buttons, which will make buying frequently purchased items – particularly things found around the home or office – easier than ever to order. Amazon shoppers will need a prime subscription, but in ordering with Dash Buttons, the company hopes to simplify the overall shopping experience.

Amazon customers can set up Dash Buttons for an array of products which will be appropriately branded with certain product names for various things, and then in just a couple days – the products that the individual needs will be delivered after the button has been pressed. The company notes that shoppers will be able to have everything set up through their mobile device or computer – and that they will receive a notification when something is purchased – which will give them the opportunity to address something that was ordered accidentally.


The move is a unique one, that really steps out beyond the computer screen and puts Amazon inside shoppers homes. That’s an important feature to bring to the table moving forward as shopping has become easier on the massive site with features like being able to buy with one click. Amazon has been working toward a more diversified product listing that does accommodate those who are looking for convenience, but would rather shop at a local store instead of waiting for something.

A little more than a dozen products are offered right now with the service. However, that number will surely grow as time goes on and more products are lumped into the service. That is assuming though that the service is received well. Perhaps more than individuals at home using this service – those taking advantage of it through small businesses might actually be the bigger group to cash in on this type of service. Things like paper towels, K-cups, or laundry detergent can be ordered quickly and without going through the order process on a computer. The time that would be saved for businesses would ultimately be second-to-none. Especially if they could get products quicker and easier.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.