Anatel accidentally leaks next gen Motorola smartwatches 360S and 360L

Brazil’s telecommunications agency Anatel seems to have accidentally passed two models of Motorola products last week. Legally, corporations can commercially sell products with radio within the country only after Anatel grants its approval.

The agency regulates all telecommunication activity in the country, and its decisions are only appealable in the court. It inherits the powers of granting and regulating telecommunications in Brazil as well as technical expertise and other assets. It sets guidelines of its own for radio frequency products; for instance, the strength of electromagnetic wave frequencies that can be released. To acquire its approval to sell products, companies need to hire a laboratory to conduct various tests.

Further, they need to send the test results of the products to the agency for approval. After that, Anatel conducts reviews of the results to make sure they comply with the guidelines set by them.

Anatel’s website displays the lab results along with other documentation once a corporation receives the agency’s approval. A certificate of approval is given to the corporation if its product complies with the requisite standards. Such a grant was mysteriously given to Motorola’s products with model numbers 360S and 360L.

The certificate of approval renders a few details including the battery capacity of the products. It mentions 270mAh for the 360S and 375mAh for the 360L model. In addition to this, the documentation also states that the batteries are internal and non-removable. The battery capacity mentioned is very close to the actual 320mAh of the 360 model. Other products of Motorola, which are not smartwatches, do not have battery capacities in a similar range. Plus, the non-removable and internal features stated resemble that of OG360. There are lot of similarities observed between the model numbers on the certificate and Moto 360’s consumer-facing name. Apart from the details like Bluetooth LE, WiFi b/g/n and other radios, specific technical information has been left out; thus making it difficult to be certain that the certificate refers to the intended models.

The same type of documentation was found in the database of Anatel one year ago. It stated that the product tested was a watch and referred to the original Moto 360. The product was discovered in the database right before its release on September 5. Motorola posted and withdrew a tweet showing a smartwatch that showcased a few differences from Moto 360. It matched the images that were posted by Lenovo CEO some months back accidentally and looked like the prototypes of the new Moto 360. It was either accidental or unintentional or a promotional stunt to post the material earlier than desired. It cannot be believed for sure that the second generation Moto 360 will come in two sizes ‘S’ and ‘L’. Although updates to the watch are not expected in the near future, if such a thing does surface it will be more beneficial for people with different wrist sizes.

The Motorola smartphone with model number XT1580 was also listed by Anatel. It contains lesser details and specifications than 360S and 360L. It has been rumored to be a phone with model number XT1254 which was released in October last year; thus making this product an updated version of DROID Turbo. Although nothing can be stated for sure, a mysterious approval for the Motorola products has left the audience perplexed.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.