Android 5.1 Lollipop: another mixed bag for Google’s latest sweet treat

Providing the near-perfect software isn’t an exact science, and anyone who’s been a Google Nexus smartphone user for some time now can attest to this statement. Whenever Google brings an update that is meant to provide enhancements and bug fixes, the “enhancements” are often said to further enhance the problems with Android and Nexus handsets. The case can be said for Android 5.1 Lollipop.

Android 5.1 Lollipop was meant to squash the bugs that were present in Android 5.0, 5.0.1, and 5.0.2 for Nexus users – who, along with Google Play Edition (GPE) devices and Motorola devices, are the first recipients of Google’s new blessing upon its operating system. While Android 5.1 fixes bugs that were problems in earlier updates, there’s always the risk that new updates clash with previous software releases that worked fine in some things and not so fine in others.


Android 5.1 users are noticing the following problems in the new update:

  • Nexus 4 app crashes
  • Nexus 6 random reboots
  • Microphone issues with calling and video recording
  • Bluetooth issues
  • Issues with Wi-Fi connectivity
  • An unknown full-screen bug
  • Broken Wi-Fi hotspot
  • Faster battery drainage and random fluctuations in battery life
  • Nexus 5 contacts sync failure

One user in particular struggled with Bluetooth on his device after the Android 5.1 update, finding that he could no longer pair his Nexus 6 with his Pioneer car stereo.

One user’s frustrations with the 5.1 update moved him to label the new update “Lolliflop” instead of “Lollipop.” Another asked for a new Nexus 10 due to the problems with his from the latest update.

If you have the Android 5.1 update available, you have two choices: 1) to update or 2) to not update. The issues we’re seeing at the moment are random and aren’t happening to all devices, but you can never guarantee you’ll be the lucky recipient of an excellent update; lots of individuals have been just as optimistic – only to find out otherwise after the update finished. The best advice for now is to refrain from the update and wait until a better one comes down the road (which we’re sure will arrive in the next few weeks).

But, if you’re the risky type, go ahead and jump in. Let us know if the water’s nice.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.