Apple begins 14 days (RED) campaign to help AIDS patients

Apple is all set to do something special. The iPhone maker has launched an unprecedented campaign on Monday involving its online store, App Store and retail locations. This campaign seems to be another attempt by CEO Tim Cook to improve the corporate image of the company.

So, what exactly Apple has done? It’s all set to go (RED) for the upcoming holiday season. In other words, the two-week campaign is based on the philosophy of (RED), which happens to be a charity initiated by widely celebrated singer Bono; Bono’s tryst with (RED) began in 2006.


Bono began the campaign with the aim to eliminate the curse of HIV/AIDS from this planet. All the proceeds from the campaign will be sent to The Global Fund and will be used for providing AIDS sufferers (particularly those living in Africa) with antiretroviral treatment.

Apple’s senior VP Eddy Cue, when talking about the company’s association with (RED), said that the Cupertino-based tech giant has been involved with this campaign since the time of its inception and so far has raised a whopping sum of $75 million. He added that in spite of tasting so much success with the campaign Apple knew that it’s still possible to rediscover the cause. Cue informed that this time their primary goal was ensuring that developers get deeply involved.

By becoming such an integral part of the campaign, Apple is not only proving that it’s a company that cares for issues like environment, gay rights and so on, but is also showing that it is in the same bracket with other top corporations like Microsoft and Facebook who have recently made big contributions in the battle against Ebola.

Around six months back, we saw Apple contacting 25 of the most revered app makers in the world and make them add (RED)-tinged tweaks to their products. This two-week campaign will see the company selling those apps to help Bono’s endeavor.

The campaign began on Monday, November 24 and will continue till December 7. All the money collected by selling the 25 apps developed for (RED) or upgrades to those apps will be donated for helping HIV/AIDS patients.

Apple has taken an additional step to ensure that the funds collected are big in amount. December 1, which happens to be World AIDS Day, will see the Cupertino-based company donating a part of all its online and in-store purchases to the cause.


About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.