Apple faces lawsuit for iOS 8

Apple is facing yet another lawsuit, and this time, it’s directed at some of their newest devices – and most-recent operating system. The lawsuit, which takes a specific look at iOS 8 asserts that Apple did not do their customers proper justice by letting them know just how much space the new operating system would take up. The lawsuit especially evaluates those with 8GB or 16GB iPhone’s which quickly become filled and bogged down.

The horror stories when iOS 8 was first released – of users having to delete hundreds of photos, extensive apps, and even being required to get rid of things that would otherwise seem off-limits to traditional storage saving tactics. The complaint says, “To put this in context, each gigabyte of storage Apple shortchanges its customer’s amounts to approximately 400-500 high resolution photographs.” It then goes on to point out that Apple “fail(ed) to disclose to consumers that as much as 23.1 percent of the advertised storage capacity of the devices will be consumed by iOS 8 and unavailable for consumers.”

Apple Lawsuit

One major complaint that the lawsuit brings up is Apple’s eagerness to sell “cloud” storage, in exchange for the storage that is ultimately lost due to the operating system. While there isn’t any direct link between the two actions, and Apple has been offering cloud storage at a price for a number of years – it brings some questions to the surface. Specifically, are operating systems being bloated in an effort to get users to buy additional cloud storage?

The complaint says Apple uses “sharp business tactics,” to ultimately trick their users into buying more storage capacity – especially on smaller devices. Looking at the 16GB models of the iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus – between 2.9 and 3.3GB of device storage is unavailable to users – which equates to between 18.1 and 20.6% of the device’s total storage space. Interestingly, the iPad, iPad Air, and iPod are all impacted even more. They lose between 3.4 and 3.7GB of storage – which equates to as much as 23.1% of storage space on the device.

The fact that nearly a quarter of the storage in those devices is useless definitely creates issues. Additionally, the change from iOS 7 to iOS 8 was one that is unique in that it required far more space than any other update to date so far. The situation was even worse for smaller 8GB devices, and it would appear as though this lawsuit will quickly be heading for class-action status – as more, and more grow to list of users upset by how much storage is absolutely useless in their new, or old, devices.


About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.