Apple Inc. poaches senior Tesla Motors engineer for Titan EV project

Apple, Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) to climb even further on the rumored Titan Electric Vehicle project has now poached a Tesla Motors (NASDAQ: TSLA) engineer to design an automobile even faster. According to a LinkedIn posting, the company has recruited one of the senior engineers at Tesla to develop an expert team of automobile engineers at the Apple, Inc. This shows how quickly Cupertino giant wants to create one of its self-driving vehicles.

No matter how pressed Tim Cook’s lips are on it, the self-driving cars from the company are soon going to be a reality, probably in a year or two we may have a special event coming up for the announcements of these cars.

Apple has also hired the former Volkswagen employee Megan McClain and a researcher from the Carnegie Mellon University with automated driving at the spotlight. Not only this, Apple has hired employees from almost every sector, including battery and automobile industries.

Reports suggest that the company has already started looking for the playgrounds to test their vehicles that are being designed in a secret labs located few blocks away from the Cupertino giant headquarters.

Other than this, analysts are predicting company to install an HUD or Heads Up Display covering the majority of a windshield and the windows. It is likely to present more facts such as weather, traffic ahead, relevant messages or schedules of high priority without obstructing the view of the driver.

It wouldn’t be wrong to say if the company makes it compatible with the iPhone and other iOS devices. Starting the engine, GPS location and much more would be at the fingertips – but that may attract unwanted hackers to exploit loopholes in the car similar to what we saw in the case of Tesla and Chrysler.

Apart from this, company is also looking forward to launching next generation iPhone 6S and 6S Plus smartphone on the 9th of September. The media invites are likely to arrive somewhere on 27th or 28th of August – not so far.

Looking into an another direction, Wallstreet is having bad days and so is Apple, stocks are failing miserably and the Cupertino giant has reached a total capital of 603.1 Bn which was somewhere near 700 Bn almost a month ago. That’s a huge downfall, and for the past days, the company has seen a fall of nearly -6%. Certainly this isn’t the best time to invest in the Apple shares or any other company for that matter. Almost every tech giant in the US is having issues maintaining the pace.

About the author

James Oliver

James is a tech-savvy journalist who specializes in consumer electronics. He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and has a knack for dissecting gadgets to their core. Whether it's smartphones, wearables, or smart home devices, James has got it covered. In his free time, he enjoys mountain biking.