Apple released the much-anticipated numbers that would finally let their customers, and the rest of the world for that matter, just how successful their latest operating system has been. At least in terms of adoption. Adoption rate is something that has always been a major sticking point for Apple since typically most of their devices are eligible for upgrading when an update goes live. Comparatively, there is a bit of a process for Android users that would like to upgrade to the latest operating system. Just ask those who are waiting for Android 5.0 Lollipop right now.
In October, the adoption rate had seemed to stall just below 50% which began to give a lot of people cause for concern. Apple likes to see their operating systems being adopted, even in older devices. At its peak – iOS 7 had actually crested three-quarter mark hitting a 78% adoption rate. In fact, even at the end of October, the adoption rate was just at just 52%.
The slow adoption process has to do with a lot of different factors. First, you have to contend with the fact that customers have been driven away by the iOS 8 horror stories that have been heard for the last several months after the initial launch of iOS 8 and iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.
Another factor was that many users had to plug their devices in just to update. The update was so large, and required so much space – those with older devices, or devices that simply had a lot of data stored on them – weren’t able to download the update over Wi-Fi. After that the iOS 8.0.1 update, which was said to fix all of the mistakes that iOS 8.0 had come with actually turned out to be disastrous, and raised more new issues, than it did correct any outstanding issues.
Apple users though seem to be adopting and getting more comfortable with the new operating system as the bugs have been getting worked out. While some users are still said to have issues with Wi-Fi, and a few other sporadic issues, by and large most of them have been fixed. Apple has even mocked Google to some degree regarding their adoption rates, but the truth is that the two operating systems are very difficult to compare. Apple can almost “blanket release” their updated operating systems, while Android updates have to be adopted by individual manufacturers before they can be adopted by users individually.