This year marked the sixth-lowest level the arctic ice had ever reached. The National Snow and Ice Data Center released data indicating that the globes natural air conditioning system – was being reduced drastically throughout the years.
September is the month of the year that the ice in the Arctic reaches its lowest point. It marks the peak – if you will – of the summer melt, even though it is hardly at the peak of summer.
Arctic sea ice serves as a natural air conditioner for our planet 犀利士
– reflecting a great deal of energy and heat from the sun – back into space. As the arctic ice is reduced – earth’s air conditioner is less apt to be able to handle stabilizing our environment.
That’s the second reason that this reduction – though only a minor change from last year – is so important.
The reduction in arctic ice, and the season being the sixth-lowest of all-time – in terms of artic ice definitely plays hand-in-hand with the fact that we saw one of the most unstable weather years to date, according to scientists.
Scientists actually indicated that the melting could have been significantly worse, if the beginning of the summer season was warmer, or saw more storms that would have broken up, and melted more ice than actually did.
Lou Leanord, VP for Climate Change at the World Wildlife Fund, said, “Climate change is here, and now is the time for bold steps to address it.”
Scientists too are concerned about the ice melt, and the threat it poses as humans continue to be the biggest factor in driving global warming as a whole. Scientists have linked global warming to changes in the jet stream, which have direct impact on weather, and where weather goes.
Additionally, it can cause extreme weather – and further change climates in places that already have extreme weather. According to scientists though, the worst case scenario is actually changing the mid-latitude weather patterns.
These are the most fragile climates in the world, and alterations to them could mean harsh consequences for the rest of the globe. However, as the UN held a Climate Summit in New York, on the same day these sentiments were spoken – the entire world had their eye on global warming – and ways we can work to change.