Former Bollywood actor Mamta Kulkarni’s husband, Vicky Goswami has allegedly masterminded a massive scheme to smuggle drugs made in a factory near Mumbai to the US through Kenya via Sea.
Based in Kenya, Vicky was arrested in 2014 before being given bail. However, the outside world came to know about this incident only recently when the Thane police conducted a raid near Mumbai suburbs and recovered huge amount of drugs.
In a raid conducted at a pharmaceutical factory based on a tip-off, the Thane police have recovered nearly 20000 kilos of substances used in party drugs and is said to be worth 2000 crores in the International market.
Meanwhile, a team from the US Drug Enforcement Agency has also established contact with Thane police for additional inputs.
Describing the drug busting incident as extremely alarming, Thane police have so far arrested seven persons and described the mafia as an international drug cartel.
Commenting on the development, Paramveer Singh, Police Commissioner, Thane disclosed that the questioning of the seven people revealed stunning disclosure about the route of the drugs to Kenya and all of them had indeed met international drug smuggler Vicky Goswami.
With plans to establish a factory in Mombasa, the recovered substances are used to make heroin from opium, adds Singh. He confirmed that Goswami was arrested in Kenya in 2014 on charges of smuggling drugs and is now out on bail. The US government has already initiated extradition process as he is on the wanted list of criminals in US.
Married to Mamta Kulkarni in 2013, Goswami was arrested in Dubai in November 2014 for illegally trafficking drugs and was released from jail on bail. It seems that he is escaping from the doors of law due to his strong influence among political circles.
Kulkarni made her Bollywood debut with the movie Tirangaa in 1992 followed by Waqt Hamara Hai (1993), Krantiveer (1994), Karan Arjun (1995), Sabse Bada Khiladi (1995) and much more. She also acted with top actors, which includes Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan.