A recent study has allowed scientists to suggest that breastfeeding results in 30% decrease in the risk of breast cancer recurrence in women with history of any subtype of the disease. The study has been conducted by a team of researchers at the Oakland, CA-based Kaiser Permanente Division of Research.
According to the team, this is the first time a researcher group has examined relation between cancer recurrence and breastfeeding history. Here, it must be mentioned that this new study is the part of an ongoing breast cancer research conducted by the team at the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research.
In 2014, researchers conducting the said breast cancer study found that breast cancer patients who have HER2+ tumors have much less chances of experiencing cancer recurrence within 5 years of the detection of the disease.
In 2013, on the other hand, these researchers discovered that consumption of dairy products rich in fat, after being diagnosed with breast cancer, increases one’s chances of dying from the deadly disease.
The latest study allowed the research team to conclude that breastfeeding seems to be useful in improving the outcomes in women suffering from the disease’s Luminal A subtype. According to the findings of the said study, women diagnosed with Luminal A breast cancer subtype have 30% less chances of experiencing recurrence of the condition if they have breastfed in the past.
In addition, the study has also suggested that breastfeeding women also have 28% less chances of dying from this breast cancer subtype. The researchers found that the protection is strongest for mothers who have breastfed for six months or even more than that.
This new study doesn’t have any good news for women diagnosed with other breast cancer subtypes. They haven’t been able to establish any link between those subtypes and breastfeeding history of a woman.
However, this discovery might help in managing breast cancer in a large share of women diagnosed with the disease in a better way as statistics suggest Luminal A is the most commonly diagnosed breast cancer subtype.
The Luminal A tumors are known for having better outcomes compared to other subtypes because they are less susceptible to metastasis. Doctors often use hormonal therapy like tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors for treating these breast cancer tumors.