Brontosaurus were REAL and they are BACK, quelling previous theories

The Brontosaurus is back, and according to a new study that return isn’t just fictional, either. There was a theory put forward in the early 1900’s that dispelled the notion that the Brontosaurus was even a real dinosaur. It was pointed out at that time that the dinosaur likely didn’t exist. This was thought to be due to a close relative of the Brontosaurus actually being mistaken by scientists as the Brotosaurus, when in reality it was a different dinosaur entirely.

This is interesting because of the immense popularity that the Brontosaurus actually had. In fact, Emanuel Tschopp of Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal pointed out that, “We knew it would be a major finding because Brontosaurus is such a popular name.” He went on to point out that he was also hopeful of future studies that would take place on the dinosaur. This is interesting because of the scientific debate that has already taken place around the Brontosaurus.


Oftentimes, the Brontosaurus has been considered amongst the most well known dinosaurs despite that fact that it was disproven to be a viable dinosaur in those early days. Tschopp went on to point out additionally that, “They really rushed new species into press as fast as possible, and many of these reference specimens on which they based new species are extremely fragmentary and are not comparable directly.”

Kenneth Carpenter of Utah State University Eastern’s Prehistoric Museum has some reservations still about the existence of this dinosaur. Regarding the existence of the Brontosaurus he said, “Maybe. But I think the verdict is still out.” This is proof that the research simply has to be done on the information and research that currently exists. More studies and more information can be pulled from these bits and pieces – ultimately – it will give them the opportunity to completely change the way the Brontosaurus is perceived and possibly shed new light on what the species really is, or was.

Until then though, the jury really is still out. It will be an interesting several months to see what additional information can be dug through given the current base that is available.


About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.