Chinese approval of video games could bring high sales for PlayStation and Xbox

After almost fifteen years, the Chinese government decided to give up on the ban on sales of the video game consoles in the country. As a result, Sony, Microsoft and other companies can now sell their products in China without any restriction on the availability of the game titles. China’s Ministry of Culture amended new rules to allow the domestic and foreign companies to sell their consoles and establish the networks as a part of their gaming experience.

According to the Chinese government and Ministry of Culture, the introduction of gaming consoles and titles such as Call of Duty, Battlefield, will give a rise to the crime rate in the country. Ministers were inclined towards the fact that the people in China will be more violent, however, that fact soon vanished in the fog with time.

Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) last year in the month of September, introduced its gaming console Xbox One after a ban of 14 years. However, not all titles available for the Xbox One were released at that time, only a handful of the games, including play Forza Motorsport 5, Kinect Sports Rivals, Powerstar Golf, Zoo Tycoon, Max: The Curse of Brotherhood, Dance Central Spotlight, Neverwinter Online, Rayman Legends, Trials Fusion, and Naughty Kitties.

Microsoft is now expected to roll out other popular gaming titles, including Halo and Battlefield, in the country that were illegal to sell until now.

It is without a doubt that the companies are now going to bring more profits by selling their consoles and titles in a country holding the crown of world’s largest population. As the consoles are just beginning to go on sale, Sony and Microsoft will again have an edge to edge competition in the gaming industry. The two leaders have been fighting with each other to have the ultimate title, however, Sony PlayStation 4 seems to conquer the sales figures with over 7 million units worldwide.

Wait, that doesn’t mean Microsoft is lagging behind. The exclusive rights on some of the most popular titles, such as TitanFall, makes the Xbox One to keep its demand in the market.

Apart from that, we really hope that before other time local and foreign companies expand their reach in this untouched territory, Sony and Microsoft should work on improving their network capabilities to avoid any future outage on the gaming system.

While Microsoft doesn’t have much of these issues, Sony can always be found troubling its customers with the network problems.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.