Collision Observed on the Black Hole Super Highway

The space is filled with plenty of giant explosions. However, thus far people on Earth have never witnessed anything like this. Now, astronomers have managed to capture video of a collision between knots of matter within a super-fast plasma jet spurting from a black hole. The footage in question demonstrates a hypothesis that might explain what gives these jets the ability of traveling at such high speed.

This is the second time when scientists are claiming that they have discovered a matter that seems to have the ability to travel faster than light; the said matter, according to the astronomers, is located millions of light-years away from a black hole’s source.

This finding indicates that the jets keep on traveling at a speed closer to that of light at distances that counter the host gallery’s size. The discovery might also provide scientists with information that would help them understanding galactic evolution.

Black Hole

When black holes spin on their polar axis, they shoot huge plasma jets into the space from both its poles. Astronomers refer to these jets as relativistic jets. They have been named so as they travel at relativistic speed; for those who don’t know: the term “relativistic speed” is used for any speed that is very close to speed of light. One of the most widely talked about hypotheses for the process adopted by the plasma for getting energized and achieving such high speed is known as the “internal shock model.”

It’s true that scientists, to date, haven’t been able to find out how these jets are formed. However, there’s one hypothesis that indicates that when a material moves in the direction of the black hole, it gets super-heated and eject along the spin axis of the black hole. When ejected the material remains confined to a slender jet by means of powerful magnetic fields.

If the material falls in the direction of the black hole unevenly, the ejection will also be uneven. This in turn will result in formation of knots of matter inside the jet. According to the internal shock model, some knots of matters are capable of moving faster than the others. The knots that are faster catch the slower ones up causing collisions between the knots.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.