Common Areas To Check For Pests

Although unpleasant, the grim reality is that pests are everywhere and adept at concealing themselves. A thorough, regular inspection of your house and backyard is the only way to keep the risk of infestation to a minimum. Staying alert to certain tell-tale signs of a pest infestation is a homeowner’s responsibility which will save time, money, and worry in the long run.

Physical damage to furniture, wooden beams, or doors is a clear indication that you have a pest problem. To a colony of termites, your wardrobe is an all-you-can-eat buffet, so inspecting all the wood around your home is absolutely crucial. However, these are the other common areas pests may be making their home:

Kitchens and Bathrooms

Kitchens are particularly susceptible to infestation due to the sheer volume of convenient hiding places and is, therefore, one of the most important spaces to thoroughly inspect. If you discover droppings, urine, an unpleasant odor, or disturbed and nibbled packaging, you must locate the source of the problem and eradicate it immediately. Search every kitchen cabinet, packaged products, check around window ledges and under the washing machine and dishwasher.

Insects love moist, humid, and warm environments, so bathrooms are their ideal space to make a nest and thrive. Wet conditions are ideal for breeding, so you must inspect in and around the taps, bath, sink, and toilet, as well as inside toiletries and toilet rolls. Toilet brushes are also a breeding ground; if your bathroom is particularly susceptible to pests, it is best not to have one. Bathroom pest infestations can be avoided by fixing any plumbing problems, increasing ventilation, sealing any cracks and crevices, and cleaning regularly.

Basement and Loft

Odd noises such as sporadic scratching or humming are signs of unwanted visitors. Determined rodents will eventually dig their way into your property, so be sure to check for droppings around gaps in skirting boards and walls. Paint or wallpaper that appears unevenly scratched or missing could be an early indicator of an infestation. Understand this is much more likely to happen after dark, so listening carefully and visually checking thoroughly at night time is strongly advisable.

Old mattresses and other materials stored in basements and lofts are magnets for pests, especially bed bugs and moths. Regularly inspect mattresses for evidence of nesting, rusty colored spots, and check to see if an overly sweet musky odor emanates. If so, pests have already taken hold, so dispose and destroy them immediately. If you suspect you now might have a termite problem, you need to contact a professional termite exterminator such as immediately.

Garage and Yard

Check corners of windows in sheds and garages for evidence of grease stains, wasp’s nests, or termite colonies, especially around old-style window frames. Although cultivating a compost heap is great for local wildlife and the environment, composts are a potential insect utopia and should be enclosed, off the ground, and away from fences. Leaves are also a hotbed for insects and should be regularly raked, swept, and removed. Regularly check-in and around rubbish bins and around drainpipes and drains.

About the author

Anand Narayanaswamy

Anand is a seasoned journalist with over 15 years of experience in technology reporting. He holds a Master's degree in Computer Science and has worked with several leading tech publications. Anand oversees the editorial direction of The Hoops News, ensuring that the content meets the highest standards of journalism. In his free time, he enjoys reading about quantum computing and playing chess.