Depression is directly proportional to heart failure, study says

Depression and heart failure are connected, a new study says, which was recently presented to the European Society of Cardiology. The study found that those individuals with depression were more likely to die within a year from a heart-related illness than those who were not showing any symptoms of depression. Professor John Cleland, who was the chief investigator on the study pointed out that this has really become a massive issue. He called it a “modern epidemic” and suggested that systemic change would be necessary to right the issues that currently stand.

Cleland pointed out that, “This included social, mental, and physical frailty, as well as comorbidities and the severity of heart failure. Depression has been reported to predict death in patients with heart failure, but until now it was thought that this could be because depressed patients have more severe heart failure and more comorbidities.” He said this in talking about the study, and how it looked at things from a broader perspective than some other studies have, which has been a major talking point for those who believe this has reveled something significant and factual.

Depression and Heart Health

While the research pointed to the drastic nature of heart related illnesses around the world, the researchers pointed out that between 20-40% of heart failure victims had previously been diagnosed with depression. That’s why it’s so important to understand that the changes taking place in the medical community are some that could really go a long way in terms of ensuring preventive measures are met appropriately. Specifically, looking at issues like depression and how it contributes to heart related illnesses, instead of only treating the heart related illness when it presents itself.

Much of what scientists in the medical community are trying to do is create greater periods of time for medical professionals to properly diagnose and treat different illnesses. It’s important to understand that giving medical professionals more time to actually deal with these problems is something that will increase the rate at which these illnesses and diseases are defeated. Studies like this are what lay the groundwork for the medical community seeing major advances, and seriously reducing the overall financial burden that these systems place on our overall economies, in addition to the impact these illnesses have on individuals personal economies.

Julie Ward of the British Heart Foundation pointed out that, “We know depression is both a risk factor for heart disease and is often experienced by people who have had a major heart event. Every person with a long-term physical health condition, like heart disease, should be treated for both their physical and psychological symptoms equally.” She went on to point out that all individuals should see their general practitioner, or heart specialist to “discuss the options that could be available to you.”

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.