Earth’s protective Plasmaspheric Shield blocks Killer Electrons from solar storms and save humanity

The Earth is protecting itself in more ways than one. It isn’t just a gravitational pull that ensures we see the world as we do, and it isn’t just because of the ozone layer. Recently, scientists have discovered something a little less aggressive, and a little less well-known that has a major impact on protecting Earth from harmful electrons. Scientists say that the thin layer actually protects astronauts from being exposed to extreme levels of radiation, and simultaneously prevents damage from being done to satellite electronics that would fall victim to these aggressive electrons.


The shield is described as a relatively thin ‘plasma’ layer that protects Earth from harmful electrons that would otherwise cause extensive damage to life on Earth, and possibly make life an impossibility to begin with. The shield is a grouping or consistency of electromagnetic waves that sit at the low end of the frequency spectrum. They even have a sound. Scientists say that they have a ‘hiss’ sound due to the electrons hitting the shield and dissipating afterward.

In many ways, the shield has been described as a glass shield and reflective in many of the same ways glass is of light. However, scientists are ultra-curious about the shield and what could possibly be learned about further from this shield that rests over 7,000 miles above. Scientists are starting to look into if that field could eventually dissipate, or what caused the protective field in the first place. Such answers could give scientists better ability to understand space travel, as well as the typical applications that are provided in the context of our Earth’s actual existence.

Moreover though, it begs the question regarding other protections that might exist out there that we don’t know about right now. Right now, scientists are also in the process of trying to determine what other things might be out there that are currently unknown. Science is an incredibly expansive topic – especially with regards to space travel – which the United States has boosted their work on, so improving the overall knowledge base is always appreciated.


About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.