Ebola Patient Now in Atlanta, Safely Transported to Emory Hospital Unit

Dr. Kent Brantly, just one of two missionaries infected with the Ebola virus, is now back in the United States.

Dr. Brantly was transported to a special isolation unit Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia yesterday, and appeared to need some small assistance getting out of the EMS truck – although he was able to walk some on his own. The special isolation unit at Emory is one of a few in the country that’s set up to deal with deadly diseases.

Dr. Brantly was on a mission with missionary group Samaritan’s Purse in Liberia when he contracted the deadly Ebola virus. Nancy Writebol, a North Carolina missionary with Samaritan’s Purse, also contracted the disease. Dr. Brantly’s family has requested that the press remain on the outs when it comes to Dr. Brantly’s progress as he fights the disease.

The deadly Ebola virus has already killed over 700 individuals in West Africa and sickened 1,300 others, and comes with the similar external symptoms as does the flu. According to medical experts, doctors should inquire about the travel history of anyone who exhibits flu-like symptoms because what’s masquerading as the flu could be the Ebola virus.

Some have attacked the Center for Disease Control (CDC) for allowing the two Ebola patients into the country, but many medical experts insist that, while it’s a risk, the US is equipped to handle these two patients and others who may contract the disease. There seems to be no major risk of a national breakout of Ebola, though the coming days and months will provide a better gauge as to whether or not the United States is equipped to handle Ebola or any other, for that matter. If someone exhibits symptoms of Ebola, doctors warn to monitor the patient for 21 days before he or she can know whether or not the individual has Ebola.

North Carolinian Nancy Writebol will be translated to Atlanta’s Emory University Hospital in a few days.


About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.