A new law passed in San Francisco has made it the first American city to outlaw tobacco chewing in its playing fields, which automatically results in banning of the same in the home ground of Major League Baseball team San Francisco Giants.
The ordinance got signed into law by the city’s mayor Ed Lee on Friday. This new regulation has been openly supported by the manager and players of the baseball team; however, they have also expressed their concern about breaking the habit of chewing.
This fresh ordinance, which will be taking effect from January 1, 2016, stops usage of smokeless tobacco at all athletic venues. It has specifically singled out baseball as many players associated with this game have the habit of chewing tobacco and then spitting the juice. The lawmakers think such actions of baseball players might send out wrong messages to children who idolize them.
Bruce Bochy, the manager of San Francisco Giants, has said that the local government has taken a right step. Here, it must be mentioned that Bochy has himself chewed tobacco for several decades. However, he eventually succeeded in quitting the habit after being helped by a hypnotist.
According to Bochy, it is extremely difficult to suddenly quit the habit of chewing tobacco, particularly for players who have been playing with it since a long time; more so because the game of baseball has no dearth of triggers. The team manager added that he definitely don’t endorse this addiction and has always advised his sons to avoid dipping.
This new law passed in San Francisco is part of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. This campaign has targeted US capital Washington, D.C. and the state of California for promoting different anti-smoking efforts.
Here, it must be mentioned that right now a much more expansive bill, which outlaws use of all kinds of tobacco including smokeless tobacco and electronic cigarettes in every Californian venue where organized games of baseball are played, is on the brink of being passed in the Assembly.
For those who don’t know: San Francisco is the first city to prohibit use of tobacco in baseball grounds. Experts are saying that by supporting this ordinance San Francisco Giants has set an example for other Major League Baseball teams to follow.