Elon Musk Presents Employees At Twitter With A Vision That Was Riddled With Inconsistencies

On June 16, almost two months after purchasing Twitter for $44 billion, Elon Musk formally greeted Twitter employees.

Musk has openly questioned whether he plans to finish the transaction, even though he has no way out, and has publicly chastised Twitter since choosing to own it, even going so far as to name particular employees. His all-hands meeting did little to alleviate employee concerns about content management procedures, the company’s direction, or whether they might be required to work inside Twitter offices.

Throughout the discussion, Musk contradicted himself several times. Musk urged Twitter employees that the program need to be more similar to TikTok, the massively popular video streaming app owned by ByteDance and known for its highly tailored algorithms.

Musk, on the other hand, has chastised Twitter’s algorithmic feed, asking people to choose a reverse-chronological feed instead, which is the absolute opposite of TikTok’s algorithm “For You” feed. On May 14, he said concerning Twitter, “You are being controlled by the algorithms in ways you aren’t aware.”

Musk has intended Twitter to be similar to WeChat, a Chinese “super app” that allows users to message, pay, and shop. Musk stated he needs to establish a $15 million transactions business by 2023, but he didn’t say how he expects to do it—Twitter currently offers relatively few e-commerce features.

As per The New York Times, Musk arrived “unusually late” for the conference and seemed to be video conferencing via his mobile phone, which had intermittent coverage and low sound quality from what seemed to be a hotel room.

He then fielded a slew of queries over whether Twitter employees will be permitted to continue working from home, as a quarter of the company’s workforce is said to do.

Musk has been ranting about the number of bots using Twitter since purchasing the site, and has even declared what he believes is his legitimate authority to cancel the arrangement over the data.

Musk intends for Twitter to contribute to the creation of a “better, longer-lasting society” with 1 billion active users, as reported by QUARTZ.

About the author

Subhashree Panda

Subhashree has a Master's in Robotics and is fascinated by artificial intelligence. She covers the latest advancements in AI, machine learning, and robotics. Subhashree is also a robotics hobbyist and enjoys building small robots in her free time.