Face Verification the Next Big Thing in the Travel industry

Biometrics are the next big thing for every industry as they serve a range of purposes. The global revenue of biometrics was 14.3 billion in 2018 and it is expected to grow even more in the coming years. Facial recognition is one of the commonly used biometrics after fingerprint. Broadly it is used for client onboarding, identity verification, fraud prevention, security, etc. The travel industry identified some of the most unique use cases and it is now used by airports, hotels, transportation services, etc.

The travel industry doesn’t only consist of transportation businesses, but it consists of everything that serves travelers. Airports, car rentals, railways, hotels, entertainment, and food are the key players in the travel industry. And most of them are using face verification for one purpose or the other.

Face Verification to Ensure Strong Airport Security

Face verification is used at airports to exercise strong security and to reduce organized crime at the airports. Airports use facial recognition to reduce drug and human trafficking, money laundering, etc.

The passengers are verified in real-time through face verification, the face verification software screens the face of the person and match it with the face on the passport. Also, the passport of the person and fingerprint scanning are conducted to practice in-depth security screening. Face verification reduces the chances of criminal escape using a fake identity or stolen passport.

Face Verification for Swift Check-Ins

Hotels and other accommodation service providers are using face verification to automate and streamline check-in of their guests. For example, Mariot China is using face verification to help customers check-in. Now the guests don’t need to wait in a queue to talk to a hotel representative for check-in. It reduces the workload on the hotel staff and ensures security aswell. No intruder or identity thief could manipulate the hotel. It has happened in the past that identity thieves stole the ID card to check-in to luxurious hotels. Face verification will eliminate such events.

Face verification can be used to give customized access to high-security or luxurious areas. Even if an intruder steals the ID card of a guest, he could not get access to customized luxurious services due to the face verification threshold.

Face Verification for Security in Ride-Sharing

Ride-sharing is one of the fastly growing industries. The crime rate also increased in this industry and reduced the confidence of passengers. In order to address this crisis, some of the ride-sharing companies are taking proactive measures and incorporated face verification in their apps and online portals used to book a ride. The passengers verify the driver in real-time within seconds before starting the drive. So it ensures the safety of the passenger and also reduces the chances of fraud.

In case a criminal or a kidnapper is using the car of a registered driver, the facial recognition online solution will not give a green signal and the company and the passenger will be alerted about the fraud.

Fraud-Free Online Payments

The travel industry often faces situations where the criminals use fake stolen credit cards to pay and the real owner later sues the hotel or the transporter for his loss. So, the travel industry can use face verification before accepting any payments from their customers. Nowadays most of the airports, transporters, and hotels are offering online registration and payment services to their customers. In case the customer makes online payments he can be verified in real-time within seconds to identify that the real person is making the payment. A criminal would never like to leave behind any trace so it will demotivate the criminals.

To wrap up, face verification is the next big thing in the travel industry. It could accelerate the growth of this industry through proactive fraud prevention and swift customer onboarding.

About the author

James Oliver

James is a tech-savvy journalist who specializes in consumer electronics. He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and has a knack for dissecting gadgets to their core. Whether it's smartphones, wearables, or smart home devices, James has got it covered. In his free time, he enjoys mountain biking.