Facebook and Apple now pay women to freeze eggs

Facebook and Apple could have simultaneously changed the way the tech world, and the professional world, function for the foreseeable future. They both became the first companies in the Silicon Valley to pay female employees to freeze their eggs.

Facebook recently began covering the cost associated with freezing eggs for female employees, and Apple is going to start the practice in January. The reasoning for the covering of this non-medical expense is unique. First of all, it’s incredibly costly. The statistics on the issue actually suggest that it may cost an individual as much as $10,000 per round, plus another $500 for annual storage.


That’s expensive for the average person. So, this cost soaking is positive news on that front. However, the issue is one that is coming with harsh divide amongst those in the public. Some have viewed the concept as “payback” for devoting years that these women could be starting families, to pushing their career forward and revolutionizing business. On the other hand though, some are contesting that this just makes it that much harder for women to start a family, and furthers the “put everything on hold to pursue your career” mindset that the opposition holds dear to them.

Facebook already pays new parents $4,000 in money dubbed “baby cash” that the parents can use in any way they want to – if they’re employed by the company, and both companies even offer benefits in terms of fertility treatments and adoption.


Interestingly, this seems to have taken over the new focus of the business and tech world, for many reasons, but mainly due to the size of the companies involved. Offering an option to freeze eggs for female employees definitely has benefits. It allows the women and families to focus on their careers at a very young age, and to better plan for parenthood. Perhaps that has been the most under talked about factor in the entire process of companies offering to freeze eggs at no additional cost.


This is a unique opportunity for many to better plan for something that many are having a more, and more difficult time planning for and readying for. Now maybe, parents can be better prepared, and this can spur some positive change amongst other companies as well.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.