Facebook has once again updated their privacy policy, and even though the social network has worked hard to make the policy simpler, there are still basics that users should understand. Facebook has been working for the last several years – making changes to the privacy policy, as well as settings – in an effort to make information more easily accessible, and more easily regulated from user-to-user. The goal has been to allow the individual user to have the opportunity to ultimately decide what information is being shared of theirs, to the company, and the subsequent companies that do business with Facebook from an advertising perspective.
At the end of the day, the goal is to better understand what is going on within the social network, so users can get the best experience possible. Facebook instituted a ‘Privacy Basics’ page which goes into great detail regarding commonly asked questions, answering those questions users regularly pose to the social network. They made the information available in 36 languages, and tried to answer as many relatable questions as possible.
At the end of the day it’s important to note that for users who are concerned about the level of privacy they experience on the social network, safeguarding your information is the best way to ensure that more information isn’t being collected than is automatically collected. For example, understanding that Facebook is tracking location based on a number of factors, even gaining a location from your Wi-Fi router, or GPS components in your smartphone, and using that location for businesses and advertisers in your area. Facebook recently began collecting and using this information for their advertisers earlier in the year.
Additionally, Facebook is working on a system that will allow users to buy items directly on Facebook from third-party sites. That means more information will be handed over to the social network – which could be an additional cause for concern with some. However, if a user chooses not to use the technology, then no additional information will be collected. If users execute sales on Facebook, they should note that their credit card information, purchase history, and much more are up for grabs on the social network.
In this update to the privacy policy, Facebook does a lot to make it feel as though the social network is working in less invasive ways than they actually are. However, at the end of the day, much of the information that is collected on Facebook is contingent on users submitting that information and simply not protecting themselves beyond the scope of posts and pages liked.