For polar bears, the good news doesn’t seem to come very often these days. As for the activists who have been working tirelessly to push the needle in a positive direction there is something significant to be said for the lack of change in the global warming space. Now, the federal government has released a study, which reveals just how bad the situation has gotten for the white bears of the Arctic.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has begun putting together a recovery plan for these animals, which would give them the opportunity to regain their strength in the coming years. However, that plan starts with serious identification of climate issues to this point. Most importantly, it involves rolling back the human element within the global warming conversation.
For polar bears it isn’t just about getting their numbers back up in terms of populous. It is even more important for humans to stop putting the strain and damage on the Earth that we currently have. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said in part that, “The single most important step for polar bear conservation is decisive action to address Arctic warming.”
The organization went on to point out that, “Short of action that effectively addresses the primary cause of diminishing sea ice, it is unlikely that polar bears will be recovered.” The outlook is bleak for those who are not only fighting for polar bears survival, but also fighting for the bears to maintain their population in these regions.
The impact that global warming and climate change is having on the polar bear population is expansive. Their food supply is being seriously limited, which is perhaps one of the most problematic issues that the species faces, but their habitat is also being significant reduced in square-mileage, which is a major problem for the species as a whole.
However, that is also a problem for humans as well because this is a problem that people are impacted by. As large spaces of land are altered, usually for the worse, by seeing their space disappear, humans aren’t just creating the problem, but they’re impacted by it – as other habitats change as well due to the changes that are taking place away from the human space.
This is just the latest piece of information we have at our disposal now, with even more data associated with it, which reveals just how bad the situation has gotten for polar bears, and even the Arctic as a whole. It isn’t entirely clear right now how things will play out in the long-term, but in the short-term, there is certainly a lot of room for concern, with how bad things have gotten at the poles of our planet.