Global warming is still happening, despite what some continue to argue. While a few will be content arguing that climate change has slowed down over the last 15 years, NOAA released figures last month which revealed how the climate continues to heat up, despite those conflicting reports. At the heart of the NOAA study, they say, is a more complete data picture.
This complete data picture is something that has come under fire in recent months, but it is something that NOAA says is a powerful look at what the climate really looks like right now after that so-called 15 year slowdown. The study found that specifically, in the last 15 years, the rate at which the Earth has warmed has been equal to or greater, than the rate at which the Earth had warmed up in the 50 years predating this period.
These numbers are a stark reminder that the climate, while it might be changing differently than it did 20-30 years ago, is still changing – and perhaps has even simply evolved more. Oceans continue to rise, sea ice continues to melt, and more species are threatened today than ever before, as climate change continues to take it’s toll on Earth.
Just this week, a study found that the so-called “Yoda” bat, which was originally found in Papua New Guinea is now at risk of becoming endangered or disappearing entirely thanks to the work of humans and climate change. Another study pointed out just how many people don’t have a good understanding about the amount of energy they use, and how that impacts the entire globe.
Another study found that the largest change in ocean life in the last 3 million years could finally be experienced due to the brink that humans are pushing Earth. The same study found that by quite a margin, Earth’s oceans are bearing the brunt of the damage being done by global warming and climate change, which should be amongst the most alarming pieces of information that any study has yielded to this point.
Even worse though, for humans, might be the impact that climate change and global warming is having on the weather patterns around the world. Whether we’re talking about the droughts in the United States, or the massive amounts of rain that have reached other parts of the world, the weather pattern changes aren’t just temporary events that last days or even weeks. These are events that are taking place, and taking hold, lasting years, which will have unfathomable consequences on life here on Earth.
This is the greatest assembly of knowledge we have ever had on something like climate change, and the time is now to correct the issues that we have created through carelessly allowing emissions to push out into the atmosphere. The science behind climate changes says that now is the time to act, just like NOAA said in their recent study, which concluded and was published last month.
Their study pointed out that, “Our analysis also suggests that short- and long-term warming rates are far more similar than previously estimated in IPCC.” It went on to point out that, “The smaller difference results from more warming in the new ocean analysis since 1998, reflecting the improved bias corrections in ERSST version 4. The new corrections show that the 90% confidence interval for 1998–2012 encompasses the best estimate of the trend for 1951–2012.” The data shows that this is simply not a blip on the radar, or something that should be taken lightly. Rather this is an important step in the overall function of global warming and our Earth’s climate.