Google Cardboard and Business View makes window shopping from home possible

Google Maps Business View takes a different angle on the entire mapping experience. Before Google Maps introduced Business View, Street View allowed users to walk down the street of any city, or community and see things the way they are physically laid out. It was giving users the ability to see the sights without actually showing up. Fast-forward to today, and Google Maps has rolled out yet another new feature. This one giving users the ability to view storefronts, and even see inside select stores, through a feature called Business View.

Business View has been dubbed the way to window-shop this holiday season without actually stepping out into the cold, or crowded streets. However, with the launch of the feature coming just days before Christmas – it would be unlikely that this feature would have too much buzz attached to it. Google didn’t unleash this feature with much fanfare, or celebration. It was a quiet, weekend launch that went relatively unannounced – until the feature was live.


While Business View is still only available in all its function in major markets – there is definite appeal attached to this one. Moving forward, giving users the ability to go shopping inside a store – or even be able to see what is inside the store without being there, or going there – arms shoppers with one more tool to make the shopping experience easier. To view inside a store, or take a closer look all users have to do is press the ‘see inside’ marker that rests plainly on the app, or when you’re perusing the mapping functions online.

This has come along with the continued advancement of Google Cardboard. The extremely inexpensive virtual reality headset costs just $10-25 depending on the seller, and the headset can even be built by the individual. Recently, Google announced that it had sold 500,000 Google Cardboard headsets this year, since the headsets became available early in 2014. Recently, the company has provided a plethora of updates to the interface, and have even began building up the product for the next year.

Additional applications, additional data, and even Google releasing the plans for those who want to build or design their own virtual reality headset. These additions will make the very inexpensive Google Cardboard a hit over the next year – especially when competing virtual reality headsets are selling for hundreds, comparatively.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.