Google is offering software that once cost nearly $400 for nothing now. It’s the pro version of Google Earth, and it’s something that many believed would never happen – but now – users of Google Earth can get the upgrade for no cost. Impressively, Google Earth has been doing one thing particularly well for a very long time. They have been providing updated, real-time satellite images of the ground beneath it for anyone to see. Whether you’re a traveler, someone studying geography or something in-between – Google Earth has been delivering for years.
Many people didn’t even know that Google offered a pro version of the app in the first place. However, now that it’s free, everyone is getting to know Google Earth Pro a little better. When you go to download Google Earth Pro, interestingly, you’re still told that it’s a trial version. However, when going through the signup process – which is still required to get a license code – if you should take that method – it costs nothing when you do that. Some have reported that if you use the license code GEPFREE, you won’t have to even signup for anything.
The features that Google Earth Pro delivers are remarkable, too. Advanced measurements that let you know how tall buildings, and geographical features are, high-resolution printing, demographic information, traffic count information, as well as parcel information on properties, an ability to import addresses from spreadsheets – and yes – even make a movie.
While all of that may sound like a lot of fun and may offer a lot of commercial value for some people – it isn’t something that will be used every day. Ultimately, the big grab from this is the ability to create high-definition fly-over videos. Previously, this was all something that would cost upwards of $400 – and now – forever as it would seem, the features of Google Earth Pro will be free. This is something that – even if isn’t going to be used long-term – should be tried at least once. If the features don’t appeal to the user – it’s an easy uninstall. But, the potential benefits for those who do a lot of traveling – are limitless. You can take a greater look at the places you’re going, and even get an idea of what flights, or travel plans could look like.