Google to integrate new Microsoft Slides app with Google Drive

The era of mobile computing has totally changed how can access and edits critical files and presentations and the recently launched Slides app by Microsoft should further make life easier for folks while they are on the go.

That list includes students and employees who nowadays, need an impressive and eye-catching presentation to get the proper attention from their audience to help pass or sell the point they want to get across. Such has been done in recent years but with the advent of mobile app technology, life just became easier for these folks who look up to technology enhancements to sugarcoat their presentations.

The Slides application for iOS appends the previous Docs and Sheets apps, something that should help out folks who are in need of last minute edits or revisions for files up for presentation or submission using their mobile devices.

With the app, users will now be able to open files from common Word, Excel and/or Powerpoint format, and do the necessary revisions. That includes copying them from one application to another (Word to Excel, Word to Powerpoint, and so on) without having to find a local desktop to do the needed changes.

Also, users won’t have to worry about what kind of gadget and operating system as well since the app is available in iOS and Android. And as far as the need to use a laptop or a desktop is concerned, no need to worry anymore. The app allows you to do those revisions even with your tablet.

On the matter of varying Office versions, the app allows you to open previous versions and easily edit and share them as well. With Google’s real-time collaboration, user will be able to convert old files, share and work with other people in their group for a more updated and reliable presentation.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.