Google Introduces New Bard Features: A Leap in AI Collaboration

Google has recently unveiled a series of innovative features for Bard, its experimental generative AI tool. These enhancements aim to make Bard more user-friendly, versatile, and integrated with other Google services.

Bard’s Integration with Google Apps and Services

One of the standout features of the update is Bard’s seamless integration with various Google apps and services. This integration allows users to:

  • Connect Bard with Gmail, Docs, Drive, Google Maps, YouTube, and Google Flights and Hotels.
  • Fetch relevant information from multiple Google tools simultaneously.
  • For instance, if planning a trip, users can ask Bard to extract suitable dates from Gmail, check real-time flight and hotel details, get directions from Google Maps, and even view YouTube videos related to the destination—all within a single conversation.

Enhanced Customization and Collaboration

Bard’s new extensions, currently available in English, offer a completely novel way to collaborate with the AI. For example:

  • Users can request Bard to locate specific documents from their Drive, such as a resume, and then assist in summarizing or editing it.
  • Google emphasizes user privacy, ensuring that personal content from Gmail, Docs, and Drive remains confidential and is neither used for advertising nor for training the Bard model.

Improved ‘Google It’ Feature

The updated ‘Google It’ feature allows users to verify Bard’s responses more efficiently. By clicking on the ‘G’ icon, Bard will assess its answer and cross-reference it with web content. Users can then click on highlighted sections to view supporting or contradicting information sourced from the web.

Building on Shared Conversations

Another enhancement is the ability to build upon shared Bard chats. If someone shares a Bard conversation via a public link, recipients can continue the dialogue, posing additional questions or using it as a foundation for their discussions.

Expanded Language Support

Bard’s features, including image uploads with Lens and modifying responses, are now accessible in over 40 languages, making it more globally inclusive.

State-of-the-Art Model Upgrades

All these advancements are powered by updates to Google’s PALM 2 model. Feedback-driven improvements, combined with cutting-edge reinforcement learning techniques, have made the model more intuitive and imaginative. Whether users seek creative collaboration, multilingual interactions, or in-depth coding assistance, Bard promises enhanced quality and precision in its responses.

Key Takeaways

  • Bard now integrates seamlessly with multiple Google apps and services.
  • New extensions enhance user collaboration and customization.
  • The ‘Google It’ feature provides an efficient way to verify Bard’s responses.
  • Shared Bard chats can be continued by recipients.
  • Bard’s features are now available in over 40 languages.
  • The PALM 2 model powers Bard, making it more intuitive and imaginative.

About the author

William Johnson

William J. has a degree in Computer Graphics and is passionate about virtual and augmented reality. He explores the latest in VR and AR technologies, from gaming to industrial applications.