Google I/O 2015 was a major event for Google, and it’s developers. However, perhaps the most interesting developer content or information that came from the entire event was speculative in nature. When it comes to Google, the company is putting a lot of stock in ATAP, or Google’s Advanced Technology and Products. The goal here is simple. Google wants to become the first globally recognized tech group to enter all of the markets that are starting to emerge in the tech space. While it might seem like an aggressive move, it’s one that appears to be working quite well for Google, even as they point out that it’s about trying, rather than finding commercial or public success.
This particular Google I/O wasn’t one that was focused on the products that consumers already know and love. Instead, it was focused on the products of the future. Thinking of those products, Google put together a lineup of experimental products that really look like they could change the tech world. They ranged from interactive, or smart fabrics, to a revolutionary smartphone variant that would change the way we interact with our smartphones forever. Here are some of the biggest and best products that came from Google I/O 2015 and the Google ATAP lab this week.
Project Jacquard
Think of this as the game changer in the world of textiles. Whether we’re talking about your sweater, or your jeans, Project Jacquard is the thing that will completely revolutionize the smart world. Specifically, this takes a conductive wiring and feeds it throughout a textile. The end result is an interactive fabric that could be implemented in your jeans, or t-shirt, depending on what the overall goal. The long-term benefits of technology like this reach far beyond the tech community, as the science and medical communities could see significant benefits from this type of technology. Interestingly though, this is something that hasn’t really been pushed or heavily explored to this point – so Google is making a profound step in the right direction.
Project Ara
Project Ara is a game changer in the smartphone world. This one is focused on bringing the best of the smartphone world to every user, and giving them the authority and power to change what they feel is necessary. Google calls it a move away from traditional means to battling the frustration of a smartphone becoming obsolete in a matter of just a year or two. Everything from a camera, to memory would be up for grabs in the Google Play Store. Users would be able to change whatever they wanted to change, when they wanted to change it. Say goodbye the days of waiting for Google to send an update to your mobile device. This would change the way people perceive mobile technology and put all of the authority in their hands.
Project Soli
Imagine a sensor that is as small as a grain of salt, having the ability to detect movement and in turn – being able to completely change the way people interact with smart devices. While this is something that was originally thought of in the 1920’s, the Google ATAP team has put together a product that will be pushing the boundaries of everything we know and love to date. It could, in theory, make every smart device on the planet – functional by mere gestures or movements.
Project Vault
Project Vault is all about security. Security is something that is on everyone’s mind, and something that is very important to even the casual Internet user. That’s because there is so much at risk today. Even just a hacker gaining access to a Facebook account can cause devastating impacts, and that’s something that users really think now about avoiding. That’s why it’s so important to ensure that change happens appropriately. Google’s ATAP team wants to ensure that change happens sooner, than later, and with Project Vault they believe that they will make the password completely unnecessary. Vault uses a microSD card to completely secure a device. Instead of having to rely on logging out of multiple accounts, one could simply move away from a device and remove the security key. At that point, access to the computer would be lost.
Project Abacus
Project Abacus stems directly from Vault. The project is relatively simple. It doesn’t require a ton of thought or energy, and really only requires a slight amount of effort. It would mean that your smartphone would utilize everything that’s inside it, and create patterns to learn more or to advance itself and keep you, the user, safe throughout the process. It would start with the device itself learning more about the user. As the user interacts with the smartphone, the device will then become smarter and be able to recognize different people using the device. If the primary user is on the device, then it will recognize as much from typing patterns, voice characteristics and more.
The Future
It looks like Google ATAP is going to be a major player in the next evolution of smartphones and digital devices. Even things that aren’t currently digital will be going digital, as Google’s ATAP lab puts together more impressive pieces of technology that can work within everyday objects, like a pair of jeans or anything else. While these things might seem and feel experimental, they are definitely more than just something developed on a whim. Google has thought this out well in advance, and is going to be putting together an impressive series of devices, and technologies that will completely revolutionize the tech space.