Google updates Cardboard significantly to beat Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear VR

Google Cardboard has finally received a major update after a successful launch this year. The company celebrated their 500,000th sale of the “do it yourself” virtual reality kit – which allows users to pair an inexpensive cardboard kit, with a smartphone and give them a virtual reality experience. To this point Google has had a relatively short list of apps that work with the device, but now the company is overhauling the experience in order to deliver more apps, more functionality, and to get the device into more hands.


Google also introduced SDK’s for Android and Unity to spark development of applications for the Cardboard platform. That being said, the company will now also be featuring a section in the Google Play Store that will allow users to see the range of applications that are compatible with the service – and allow them to quickly choose what they’re looking for. Interestingly enough though, Google hasn’t stopped there, as the company is even releasing the specifications for those who would be interested in creating their own viewer, in addition to a calibration tool that would be necessary to make the entire project happen for any of the do it yourself types.

The biggest reward for users it the fact that so many new applications will be getting introduced. Now that the field of play has been opened up the way it is now – the push to incorporate more information, more tools, and more variations of products into the virtual reality store. That will mean more information for the user to play with as they experiment with this type of virtual reality kit, as well as getting more individuals excited about the product through more recognizable content and games.

Some of the things that users will be able to experience through Cardboard are concerts, games, and even test drives. The potential impact that Google Cardboard would, and could have on a plethora of markets would be something that really stands to be reckoned with heading into the not-too-distant future. If Google can successfully continue on this trend with getting cardboard into the hands of more people who don’t want to spend $199, or over $300 for Samsung or Oculus Rift competitors – then this is the definitive winner for virtual reality. This also could be a major player in bringing the cost down on this type of product, as well as making it significantly more mainstream – which it already has successfully done.

Download apps for Google Cardboard and Download Google Cardboard from Google Play.


About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.