Grey Seals in Britain killing porpoises for fun, strange behavior huh!

Seals are killers. While they may look harmless, and entirely playful with their big eyes, and adorable face – they are anything but adorable, cuddly, or kind. In fact, scientists have found that seals have perpetrated some rather disturbing crimes, and that the translation could be human attacks eventually. Violent behaviors like mutilation of porpoises, which has been seen along the cost of Britain and Holland, and penguin rape are just a couple of the specific behaviors that genuinely concern scientists.


However, throughout the course of the last 10-20 years attacks on humans are not uncommon or unheard of. In fact, a couple more gruesome and malice attacks occurred when a child had its hand bit in Canada, as well as a marine biologist, who at just 28 years old was drowned by a leopard seal while snorkeling. The creature simply clamped down and drug her into the depths of the cold water.

Previously, many suggested that the aggressive behavior in leopard seals was ordinary. Now though, species beyond the leopard seals have exposed the fact that more seals species may share that dark behavior. DNA evidence though suggests that instead of getting caught in propellers, boat nets, or anything else that could have had a manmade cause for the destruction of wildlife, the massacres have been linked directly to seals. “Many of the mutilated porpoises were found on shores used frequently by human bathers and surfers” scientists have warned, and they see “no reason” why a human victim would be out of the question.

Seals are impressive creatures in size and this is the cause for a lot of the concern. They can reach 11 feet long and weigh well-over 660 lbs. This actually makes them Britain’s largest carnivorous animal, and to many, the biggest threat to casual swimmers along these very crucial coastal waters. 180,000 grey seals live along the Scottish coastline, and along the British Isles. While grey seals are the culprits of the vicious attacks that have been seen, scuba divers have noted recently that while being approached by the creatures – they haven’t been actually attacked, and to date there are no documented cases of attacks by grey seals.


About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.