Hawaii continues to see damage as lava moves forward

Hawaii saw another home destroyed by the slow moving lava that has been taking its toll on the island for months. The latest victim was a rural home, in a rural community that had been watching the lava inch closer for months. While the individuals who lived in this particular home had left well before, this has become an all-too-familiar event for the residents of Hawaii as of late.

The lava began overtaking the house just before noon on Monday and within a short amount of time the house was fully engulfed, and burned to the ground. The extreme heat, and the low-profile of the lava is said to be the reason why the house – which was 1,100 square feet, was burned to the ground in just 45 minutes.


The lava that has been ravaging the island is from a vent in the Kilauea volcano which began letting lava leave its surface in June. It entered the town of Pahoa, on October 26th, which is where the house that was most-recently destroyed resided. The lava had already destroyed part of a cemetery, and burned down small structures and garden sheds. This though, was the first home to be destroyed in the confines of the community.

Representatives of the county suggest that the house was worth about $200,000 and that officials have been working with residents to ensure that those who need to see the homes be destroyed, are able to do so for insurance purposes, and for the purpose of providing closure for the individuals and owners.

While most of the lava flow had stalled since October 30th this portion was considered to be a “breakaway” portion and that it had picked up speed thanks to the varying slopes, and lay of the land. The leading edge of the actual lava flow still sits about 480 feet from the main road that cuts through the village of Pahoa.

The concern right now is that as the lava inches closer to Highway 130 many individuals will be cut off from the Puma district, and that the Puma district will effectively be cut off from the rest of the island. However, officials have been working to ensure that there is an alternative route planned for when the overtaking of Highway 130 finally occurs.


About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.